2025 Open House
(work in progress)
The Open House is an opportunity to celebrate what we’ve done in the past year and to look forward to the new one with the changing of the seasons and move into spring! It is a chance for people who have participated in our programs to come together and meet each other in person, and to bring new QTBIPOC folks to learn about AAoC.
April 19th, 2025 1-4PM PST
About the Open House
Photo: Taz
1pm - In person begins with music and food
1:30pm - Virtual space opens and programming begins
Info About 2024 / 2025 Programming
Community Building
General Access Info:
AI captioning will be provided. Food will be provided (dietary restrictions requested for in person attendees, gift cards offered for virtual attendees). Zoom will be recorded. Access requests, including interpretation and captioners, can be made during registration or by emailing Karissa Masciel at karissa@alphabetalliance.org. Requests for interpreters and captioners that are made less than 48 hours before the event typically are more difficult to meet. We will try and notify you if we cannot secure requested access.
This event is hybrid. The zoom link will be sent out to attendees after they RSVP.
The in-person event will be hosted at Inatai 1301 5th Ave, Seattle, WA 98101 on the 26th floor.
Transportation: The building is accessible via light rail, bus, and Sounder lines.
Parking is available at the Rainier Square Building, which is connected to Rainier Tower. The parking garage entrance is at 401 Union St. 2-3 hours costs $17, 3-4 hours costs $20. Don’t let this hold you back from coming! If you need funds to cover parking, just let us know.
Other nearby lots include at 515 University St, 324 University St, 315 Union St, and parking is ~$17-18 9am-6pm.
Carpooling is recommended. Transportation coordination and parking fee support available upon request.
In Person Access Info
We will have name tags available for people to indicate their names and pronouns. We will have space available for folks to go to if they are feeling overstimulated, and a room for nursing parents.
Entrance is easiest from 5th Avenue - when you enter here go to the right and take the elevator up to the 26th floor. You can also enter from University Street, across from the Fairmont hotel. Turn right upon entry to use the elevators on the southeast corner of the lobby.
From the parking lot, take the elevator to the 2nd floor and from the elevators turn right and cross the lobby (past the Fonti coffee bar) to the Rainier Tower elevator bank (on your left side). Take the Rainier Tower elevators on the left to the 26th floor.
Physical Space: The building, parking garage, and office all meet or exceed current ADA standards. A virtual tour of the space can be seen here. We will have access to the entire space. The space also includes a private space for prayer, or baby feeding (it has a fridge in it, too).
Bathrooms: There are private, single-user all-gender bathrooms. One of them includes a changing table.
Furniture is movable and accommodates a variety of body types
Fragrance: Please limit your use of fragrances as much as possible (some help on how to do that here) - use fragrance free detergent on your clothes, and don't wear perfumes / heavily scented products. We can create a fragrance free section if needed (please request in access needs).
Animals are not permitted except for service animals.
Recording: A photographer will also be present, and attendees can add a star to indicate if they do not want photos/videos of them taken.
COVID Protocols
Please take an at-home covid test prior to arrival, and be sure to swab both nose and throat. Check out this guide on how to get a more accurate sample. You can order free tests through USPS here, or if you are unable to get one we may have some available - let us know in the form below. Email us results screenshots to brianna@alphabetalliance.org or bring a photo to the event.
Please wear a well-fitting KN95/N95 mask while indoors at all times unless eating or drinking.
Air Purifying/Ventilation. We will have an air purifier available in the main space.
Complete Symptoms and Exposure Checklist At Arrival. If you are feeling unwell or have experienced an exposure to someone who has tested positive, please stay home. And join us virtually if you are feeling able!
Post-Testing and Contact Tracing. We recommend that people take a rapid test 3-5 days after the event and let us know about any positive results, so we can anonymously inform other attendees. If you develop symptoms within 3-5 days after the event, please let us know as well.
Optionally, consider using a nasal spray and CPC mouthwash before and after the event to reduce potential viral load. For more information about Covid prevention and treatment, check out this guide.
Legacy Awards
We are excited to be offering legacy awards to honor people in our community that have passed and those who are living in their legacies. Please nominate QTBIPOC who are carrying their work forward in the community!